Church Council

Responsible for the general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation. Elected by the congregation at the Spring meeting. Committee chairpersons are also part of the council.

Church Council Officers

President: Erik Olson
Vice-president: Sara Ramirez
Secretary: TBD
Treasurer: Lisa Duke
Financial Secretary: Jim Busick

Missions/Service: Stacey Moisuk 
The Missions Committee participates in mission projects encourages generous giving of time, talents and money to the work of the church. It also fosters justice, the alleviation of oppression and suffering through membership in the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO), which works with other Christians and people of other faith traditions for the wholeness and healing of the city.

Learning: Susan Batutis
The Learning Committee arranges formal classes on Sunday mornings for adults and children of all ages. The committee also ensures that opportunities exist for weekly Bible Study, plans retreats, oversees Confirmation, and provides for other opportunities to learn and grow in our faith.

Property/Support: Dan Seligman
The Property/Support Committee cares for the building and grounds. The committee also coordinates work days, and negotiates building insurance and worker’s compensation contracts.

Witness: Kate Olson
The Witness Committee ensures that visitors feel welcome, coordinates new member receptions, helps coordinate small group dinners and other activities to integrate new members into the life of the congregation, and reaches out to current members who are unable to attend LCN. The Witness Committee also leads the annual stewardship appeal.

Worship: Emily DeGroat
The Worship Committee coordinates with the Pastor and Music Director to plan the worship services, which vary according to the seasons of the church year. In addition, the committee oversees activities such as decorating the sanctuary for special services and coordinating Lenten dinners and mid-week services.

Fellowship: Kitri Bui & Celia Ivanov
The Fellowship Committee provides activities that promote a sense of community for members and friends of LCN including gatherings that celebrate the various seasons and holidays of the Church year, conversation and coffee following Sunday worship service, and other events that bring members of the congregation together.

"...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
Micah 6:8