LCN Music
Music is important at LCN!
We have opportunities for children, youth, and adults to sing, play handbells, or play instruments as part of our regular worship. We also sponsor classical music concerts with proceeds donated to charities. See the Events & Activities page for upcoming concerts.
Choir rehearsals are usually on Thursdays from 7:30 – 9:00 pm; during Lent and Advent they are on Wednesdays following the mid-week services. We also typically rehearse on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM. All are welcome to join us!
Children & youth meet with Katherine following worship (and a short time to get snacks at fellowship) for singing and learning to play the bells.
Below is a sampling of music from the LCN virtual choir and instrumentalists recorded early in the pandemic.
All hymns and service music are streamed and reprinted under OneLicense A-730498.
Like a River Glorious (James Mountain, Arr. Carol Tornqiust) Aug 8, 2021, Ellen Batutis, soloist
Salvation is Created (Clarinet ensemble including LCN’s Cathy Hudgins)